Setting Up the System 2-41Using the SystemThe following subsections describe how to use this server system properly andsafely, including an explanation of the server system power on/off sequences,what the POST program checks in the server, and how to perform a forcedpower shutdown.When using the server system the following precautions should be observed.! Do not delete the hard disk partition exclusively provided formaintenance of the server although it may appear on the operating system(OS). Deleting the hard disk partition may cause malfunction of theserver.! Make sure you power off the server before connecting or disconnectingcables between the server and peripheral devices. Connecting ordisconnecting the cables while the server is powered on may causemalfunction or failures within the server.! Verify that the access lamp on the diskette drive is unlit before turning offthe server or ejecting the floppy disk. Turning off the server or ejectingthe floppy disk while the access lamp is lit may damage data being storedon the floppy disk.! After turning off the server, wait at least 40 seconds before turning it onagain. Cycling the power immediately may cause malfunction or failuresof the server.! Before relocating the server, turn off the power and unplug the powercord from the outlet. Moving the server when it is powered may causemalfunction or failures of the server.! Some software includes a command to eject the CD-ROM tray or mediain a device mounted in the 3.5-inch device bay. Make sure that the frontbezel is removed before running the command. Running this commandwith the front bezel attached may cause the CD-ROM tray or the media tohit against the front bezel, resulting in a possible failure.! Clean the server regularly. Regular cleaning prevents failures of theserver and its components.! Lightning may cause a momentary voltage drop. To prevent this problem,an uninterruptible power supply unit is recommended.! Only use options qualified for the server. A non-qualified option may bemounted or connected to the server, but it may fail to operate normally oreven cause failures. These types of failures are not covered underwarranty.