1-14 System OverviewIf both passwords are set, you:! May enter the user password to enter BIOS Setup. However, you will not be ableto change many of the options.! Must enter the supervisor password if you want to enter BIOS Setup and haveaccess to all of the options.! May enter either password to boot the server if Password on Boot is enabled ineither the BIOS Setup.! May enter either password to exit secure mode.Secure ModeConfigure and enable the secure boot mode by using the BIOS Setup. When securemode is in effect:! You can boot the server and the operating system will run, but you must enter theuser password to use the keyboard or mouse.! You cannot turn off system power or reset the server from the front panelswitches.Secure mode has no effect on functions enabled via remote server management orpower control via the watchdog timer.Taking the server out of secure mode does not change the state of system power. Thatis, if you press and release the power switch while secure mode is in effect, the systemwill not be powered off when secure mode is later removed. However, if the front panelpower switch remains depressed when secure mode is removed, the server will bepowered off.