2-2 Setting Up the SystemOverviewThis chapter describes how to select a site, unpack the system, assemble therack-mount system unit into a cabinet and install the cable arm assembly.Information on front and rear panel features, switches, and LEDs are alsoincluded in this chapter.Selecting a SiteThe system operates reliably in a typical office environment.Choose a site that is:! Near grounded, three-pronged power outlets.Note : For the United States and Canada, this means aNEMA 5-15R outlets for 100-120 VAC or NEMA 6-15Routlets for 200-240 VAC. For other international sites, thismeans three-pronged power outlets applicable for theelectrical code of the region.! WARNINGBe sure the power service connection is through a properlygrounded outlet.! CAUTIONWhen two power supplies are installed in the system thepower plug from each of the power supplies must beplugged into the same common ground power outlets.! Clean, dust-free, and well ventilated. Front and rear ventilating openingskept free of obstructions. Away from sources of heat, vibration orphysical shock.! Isolated from strong electromagnetic fields and electrical noise producedby electrical devices (such as air conditioners, large fans, large electricmotors, radio and TV transmitters, and high-frequency security devices)! Spacious enough to provide at least ten inches (25 centimeters) in front ofthe system and five inches (13 centimeters) behind the system.! Easily accessible for system maintenance and installation of systemupgrades.