4-24 Upgrading Your SystemNotesObserve the following notes when installing/removing a PCI board:! Do not touch the fingers of the riser cards or the leads of electroniccomponents mounted on the cards. Fingerprints and dust left on themmay cause the server to malfunction due to a connection failure ordamage to the leads.! A riser card is designed for installing only low-profile PCI boards or full-height PCI boards. Before installing a PCI board, make sure of the cardtype.! If a PCI board is installed in a slot below the slot containing theAcceleRAID 160 disk array controller, the LED relay cable cannot beused to connect the LED connector on the disk array controller board andthe DAC LED connector on the system board. In this case the disk accesslamps on the front of the server cannot indicate the status of access to thehard disk drives connected with the disk array controller.! The system searches for the PCI board in the following order (See Figure4-23):PCI Slot 1B →→→→ 2B →→→→ 3B →→→→ 1C →→→→ 2C →→→→ 3CNote, however, if an AcceleRAID 160 or AcceleRAID 352 disk arraycontroller is installed, the system detects the boot device in the followingorder.PCI Slot 3C →→→→ 2C →→→→ 1C →→→→ 3B →→→→ 2B →→→→ 1BSee "Disk Array Controller Board" in this chapter.! The PCI devices of the same type (including onboard PCI device) may berecognized in different order from that described above, depending on OSor disk array BIOS utility. Check the slot location of the PCI device byPCI bus number, device number and function number shown in the tablebelow.1B2B3B1C2C3CFigure 4-23. Riser Card Slot Assignments