2. Reseat fan module one or two times. If error still persist, replace fan module.• 30 : 12V_SenseAsserted when voltage sensed on 12V power rail is lower than lower criticl threshold (10.816V) or higherthan upper critical threshold (13.248 V)SeverityCriticalServiceableAutomatically notify supportUser ActionComplete the following steps:1. Reseat FPC module. If 12V_SENSE error is still asserted, replace FPC module.• 31 : 3V3_SenseAsserted when voltage sensed on 3V power rail is lower than lower criticl threshold (2.975 V) or higherthan upper critical threshold (3.623 V)SeverityCriticalServiceableAutomatically notify supportUser ActionComplete the following steps:1. Reseat FPC module. If 3V3_SENSE error is still asserted, replace FPC module.• 32 : 5V_SenseAsserted when voltage sensed on 5V power rail is lower than lower criticl threshold (4.563 V) or higherthan upper critical threshold (5.589 V)SeverityCriticalServiceableAutomatically notify supportUser ActionComplete the following steps:1. Reseat FPC module. If 5V_SENSE error is still asserted, replace FPC module.• 33 : VBAT_SenseAsserted when voltage sensed on coin battery output voltage is lower than lower criticl threshold (1.795V)SeverityCriticalServiceableAutomatically notify supportUser Action216 ThinkSystem SD650 Dual Node DWC Tray and NeXtScale n1200 DWC Enclosure Messages and Codes Reference