• FQXSPSE4013I: Secure LDAP [arg1] by user [arg2].A user enables or disables Secure LDAP servicesSeverity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: System - OtherSNMP Trap ID: 22CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0093User Action:Information only; no action is required• FQXSPSE4014I: SSH [arg1] by user [arg2].A user enables or disables SSH servicesSeverity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: System - OtherSNMP Trap ID: 22CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0094User Action:Information only; no action is required• FQXSPSE4015I: Global Login General Settings set by user [arg1]: AuthenticationMethod=[arg2],LockoutPeriod=[arg3], SessionTimeout=[arg4].A user changes the Global Login General SettingsSeverity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: System - OtherSNMP Trap ID: 22CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0098User Action:Information only; no action is required• FQXSPSE4016I: Global Login Account Security set by user [arg1]: PasswordRequired=[arg2],PasswordExpirationPeriod=[arg3], MinimumPasswordReuseCycle=[arg4],MinimumPasswordLength=[arg5], MinimumPasswordChangeInterval=[arg6],MaxmumLoginFailures=[arg7], LockoutAfterMaxFailures=[arg8].A user changes the Global Login Account Security Settings to LegacySeverity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: System - OtherSNMP Trap ID: 22CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0099User Action:Information only; no action is requiredChapter 2. XClarity Controller events 105