This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected that an Critiacal Array hasdeasserted.Severity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: Critical - Hard Disk driveSNMP Trap ID: 5CIM Prefix: PLAT CIM ID: 0175User Action:Information only; no action is required• FQXSPSD2006I: Array in system [ComputerSystemElementName] has been restored.This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected that a Failed Array has beenRestored.Severity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: Critical - Hard Disk driveSNMP Trap ID: 5CIM Prefix: PLAT CIM ID: 0177User Action:Information only; no action is required• FQXSPSD2007I: Rebuild completed for Array in system [ComputerSystemElementName].This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected that an Array Rebuild hasCompleted.Severity: InfoServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: System - OtherSNMP Trap ID: 22CIM Prefix: PLAT CIM ID: 0179User Action:Information only; no action is required• FQXSPSE4000I: Certificate Authority [arg1] has detected a [arg2] Certificate Error.This message is for the use case when there is an error with an SSL Server, SSL Client, or SSL Trusted CACertificate.Severity: ErrorServiceable: NoAutomatically notify Support: NoAlert Category: System - OtherSNMP Trap ID: 22CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0002User Action:Make sure that the certificate that you are importing is correct and properly generated.Chapter 2. XClarity Controller events 101