E6582175M-613[Alarm information] Each message in the table is displayed to give a warning but does not cause the inverter to trip.Error code Name Description Remedies ST (assigned standby function) terminalOFF The ST-CC (or P24) circuit is opened. Close the ST-CC (or P24) circuit. Undervoltage in main circuit The supply voltage between R, S and T isunder voltage. Internal communication fault. Measure the main circuit supply voltage.If the voltage is at a normal level, theinverter requires repairing for fault. Retry in process The inverter is in process of retry. A momentary stop occurred.The motor speed is being detected. The inverter restarts automatically. Becareful of the machine because it maysuddenly restart. Frequency point setting error alarm The frequency setting signals at points 1and 2 are set too close to each other. Set the frequency setting signals at points1 and 2 apart from each other. Clear command acceptable This message is displayed when pressingthe STOP key while an error code isdisplayed. Press the STOP key again to clear thetrip. Emergency stop command acceptable The operation panel is used to stop theoperation in automatic control or remotecontrol mode. Press the STOP key for an emergencystop.To cancel the emergency stop, press anyother key./Setting error alarm /An error code and data are displayedalternately twice each. An error is found in a setting when data isreading or writing. Check whether the setting is madecorrectly./Display of first/last data items The first and last data item in the data group is displayed. Press MODE key to exit the data group. DC braking DC braking in process The message goes off in several tens ofseconds if no problem occurs. Note 1)Flowing out of excess number of digits The number of digits such as frequenciesis more than 4.(The upper digits have a priority.) Lower the frequency free unitmagnification . Deceleration stop function duringpower failure activated. The slowdown stop prohibition functionset with (momentary powerfailure ride-through operation) isactivated. To restart operation, reset power supply orinput an operation signal again. Auto-stop because of continuousoperation at the lower-limit frequency The automatic stop function selected with was activated. This function is cancelled, whenfrequency reference reaches LL+0.2Hz oroperation command is OFF. Parameters in the process ofinitialization Parameters are being initialized to defaultvalues. Normal if the message disappears after awhile (several seconds to several tens ofseconds). Points setting alarm 1 In case of pt=7, there are same settingvalue at least two on parameter vl,f190, f192, f194, f196, orf198 except 0.0Hz. Set the points to different values. Points setting alarm 2 In case of pt=7, the inclination of V/f istoo high. Set the inclination of V/f to be flat.Note 1) When the DC braking (DB) function is assigned by using the input terminal function 22 or 23,it is normal if “” disappears when opening the circuit between the terminal and CC (or P24).