E6582175F-576[Parameter setting]Title Function Adjustment range Default settingaul Overload characteristicselection0: -1: Constant torque characteristic(150%-60s)2: Variable torque characteristic(120%-60s)0f300 PWM carrier frequency 2.0-16.0 (kHz) 12.0f312 Random mode0: Disabled1: Random mode 12: Random mode 23: Random mode 30f316 PWM carrier frequencycontrol mode selection0: Carrier frequency without reduction1(240V class)5(500V class)1: Carrier frequency with automatic reduction2: Carrier frequency without reduction(Support for 500V models) pattern 13: Carrier frequency with automatic reduction(Support for 500V models) pattern 14: Carrier frequency without reduction(Support for 500V models) pattern 25: Carrier frequency with automatic reduction(Support for 500V models) pattern 2Note 1: By f300 setting and ambient temperature, current reduction may be required.Refer to the table on the following page.Note 2: PWM carrier frequency is increased automatically at high output frequency range (100 Hz or more) forstable operation, even if f300 is set to low PWM carrier frequency.Note 3: When f300 is set to 8kHz or less, the random mode is exercised in the low output frequency rangewhere an annoying magnetic noise of the motor is generated.Select the proper tone from the three kinds of f312 = 1, 2, 3 for the machinery.Note 4: When f316 is set to “Carrier frequency without reduction”, oh (overheat) or ol3 (main moduleoverload) trip can occur easily.Reduce f601 or f185(stall prevention level) properly to avoid the trip.Note 5: When reducing the voltage surge to the motor, set f316 to 2 or 3.Use by setting f300 to 4kHz or less, to avoid the output voltage drop.Note 6: When reducing the voltage surge to the motor, set f316 to 4 or 5.However, when the machinery (load) is resonated and the cable length between the inverter and themotor is long (30m or more), use by setting f300 to 4kHz or less.