62 Parity CheckThis item lets you set the parity bit for RS-485 communica-tion.1. Move the cursor to the PARITY CHECK parameter bypressing the D or C button.2. Select NONE, EVEN or ODD for parity check by press-ing the - or + button.The factory default setting is NONE Stop BitThis item lets you set the number of stop bits for RS-485communication.1. Move the cursor to the STOP BIT parameter by press-ing the D or C button.2. Select either 1 or 2 for the number of stop bits by press-ing the + or - button.The factory default setting is 1 bit. Wait TimeThis item lets you set the waiting time in milli-seconds (ms)to retry after confirming that no data is received from thecontroller for RS-485 communication.1. Move the cursor to the WAIT TIME parameter by press-ing the D or C button.2. Select OFF, 100, 200, 400, 1 000 ms for the wait time bypressing the + or - button.When no transmission is needed, select OFF.The factory default setting is OFF (no retry). Alarm DataThis item lets you enable or disable notification of the alarmdata received to the controller (Unit Number 1).1. Move the cursor to the ALARM DATA parameter bypressing the D or C button.2. Select the desired mode by pressing the + or - but-ton.OFF: Select this parameter if the system controller isnot connected to the system.0S: Each time an alarm is received, it is transmitted tothe system controller.1S: The received alarm is stored for 1 second, and thatdata is sent to the system controller.5S: The received alarm is stored for 5 seconds, andthat data is sent to the system controller.The factory default setting is 1S. Input (Camera) Number SetupThis item lets you assign numbers for the input from thesystem cameras for RS-485 communication.1. Move the cursor to CAMERA NUMBER SETUP bypressing the D or C button, then press the SET button.The CAMERA NUMBER SETUP table shown belowappears on the monitor screen.2. Move the cursor to the input (CAM-PORT) parameter toedit by pressing the D, C, A or B button, then selecta camera number by pressing the - or + button.---: No assignment.001 - 128: Assigns the selected number.Note: Make sure not to assign the same number tomore than one system camera for RS-485 communi-cation.3. Repeat the above procedure to edit other input para-meters.4. After completing the settings, press the SET UP/ESCbutton to return to the previous setup menu.8-1-1 CAMERA NUMBER SETUPCAM-PORT CAM NO. CAM-PORT CAM NO.1 001 9 0092 002 10 0103 003 11 0114 004 12 0125 005 13 0136 006 14 0147 007 15 0158 008 16 016