51Note: To assign the parameters 1 - 64, the specifiedcombination cameras in the system are equippedwith a PS Data* mode.5. Move the cursor to the SEC editing area by pressingthe B button, then select the desired dwell time bypressing the + or - button.0S: The step will not be displayed on the monitor.1S - 30S: Selects a dwell time between 1 second and30 seconds.6. Repeat the above steps 2 to 5 to program the othersteps.7. When satisfied with all of the above steps, press theSET UP/ESC button to return to the previousSEQUENCE SETUP menu. Quad Shift SettingThis item lets you enable or disable the quad shift operationwhen the MULTISCREEN SELECT button is pressed.Quad shift displays an image series such as 4A, 4B, 4Cand 4D previously programmed on four screen segments.1. Move the cursor to the QUAD SHIFT parameter in theSEQUENCE SETUP menu by pressing the D or C but-ton.2. Select either ON or OFF by pressing the + or - but-ton.ON: Enables the quad shift operation.OFF: Disables the quad shift operation.The initial factory setting is OFF. Quad Pattern SetupThis item lets you select the pattern to be displayed on theMultiscreen Monitor when a 4-segment (Quad) display isselected in spot or sequence.The camera images can be assigned to the segments asshown below.1. Move the cursor to QUAD PATTERN SETUP in theSEQUENCE SETUP menu by pressing the D or C but-ton, then press the SET button.The menu shown below appears on the monitor screen.5-1-2 MULTI QUAD PATTERN SETUPAREA CAM AREA CAM4A-1 1 AC-1 94A-2 2 AC-2 104A-3 3 AC-3 114A-4 4 AC-4 124B-1 5 AD-1 134B-2 6 AD-2 144B-3 7 AD-3 154B-4 8 AD-4 162. Move the cursor to the editing area to assign a cameraby pressing the A, B, D or C button.3. Select a camera number to be assigned by pressingthe + or - button.AREA indicates the display pattern, including the cam-era assignment and display positions as shown below.4A-14A-34A-24A-44. Repeat the above steps 2 and 3 to assign a camera forother areas.5. When satisfied with all of the above steps, press theSET UP/ESC button to return to the previousSEQUENCE SETUP menu. Sequence Timing SettingThis item lets you select between internal and external con-trol for advancing the sequence on the Multiscreen Monitor.1. Move the cursor to the SEQ TIMING parameter in theSEQUENCE SETUP menu by pressing the D or C but-ton.2. Select either INT or EXT by pressing the + or - but-ton.INT: Advances a sequence by the Dwell Time that wasprogrammed on the MULTI LIVE SEQUENCESETUP.EXT: Advances a sequence by the input from pin 5 ofthe ALARM port.The factory default setting is INT.