Appendix C: Calibration Series 2280 Precision Measurement DC Power Supplies Reference ManualC-6 077085501 / February 2015Calibration connectionYou can calibrate the instrument using the front panel or by remote commands using ethernet, GPIB,or USB interfaces. Refer to Remote communication interfaces (on page 2-40) for more information oncommunicating with the instrument.The calibration instructions for the Series 2280 include the following procedures: Voltage calibration Low-current calibration on the 10 mA and 100 mA ranges High-current calibration on the 1 A and 10 A rangesYou can perform these calibration procedures individually, but for the instrument to be calibratedproperly, all the procedures must be performed. After each procedure, save the calibration result andexit the calibration procedure.Before calibration, make sure the correct connections are made between the instrument and the testequipment.Voltage calibration connectionFor voltage calibration, connect the digital multimeter (DMM) to the Series 2280. For the DMMspecifications, see Required equipment (on page C-3).Figure 121: Voltage calibration connections