Section 7: SCPI command reference Series 2280 Precision Measurement DC Power Supplies Reference Manual7-70 077085501 / February 2015[:SOURce[n]]:LIST::APPEnd
This command adds values to the specified list.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand only Instrument reset Nonvolatile memory Not applicableUsage[:SOURce[n]]:LIST number>::APPEnd [n] Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1. number> The list number: 1 to 9. The elements that each list step contains: Current source value: CURRent Voltage source value: VOLTage The dwell time of each list step: DWELl. Range: 0 to 60 s. The setting values delimited by commas. The maximum length of a stringis 2048.DetailsThis command allows you to add values to the specified list. The new values are added to the end ofthe existing values. You can have a total of 99 values in a list.To create a valid list, the number of points for voltage, current, and dwell must be the same. If theyare not the same, when you save the list by sending the [:SOURce[n]]:LIST:SAVE:INTErnalcommand, the instrument will generate error 202, "List lengths not equivalent."Example:LIST1:CURR "1,1,1":LIST1:VOLT "5,10,15":LIST1:DWEL "2,2,2":LIST1:CURR:APPE "2,2,2":LIST1:VOLT:APPE "5,10,15":LIST1:DWEL:APPE "3,3,3":LIST:SAVE:INTE 1:LIST1:CURR?Set up list 1 with the following 6 points:Point 1: 1 A, 5 V, 2 sPoint 2: 1 A, 10 V, 2 sPoint 3: 1 A, 15 V, 2 sPoint 4: 2 A, 5 V, 3 sPoint 5: 2 A, 10 V, 3 sPoint 6: 2 A, 15 V, 3 sQuery the current settings of list 1. Output:1.0000,1.0000,1.0000,2.0000,2.0000,2.0000Also see[:SOURce[n]]:LIST:
(on page 7-69)[:SOURce[n]]:LIST:SAVE:INTErnal (on page 7-78)