Section 7: SCPI command reference Series 2280 Precision Measurement DC Power Supplies Reference Manual7-54 077085501 / February 2015:SENSe[n]::AVERage:TCONtrolThis command sets the type of averaging filter that is used for measurements for the selected function when themeasurement filter is enabled.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleSave settings MOVUsage:SENSe[n]::AVERage:TCONtrol :SENSe[n]::AVERage:TCONtrol?[n] Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1. The measurement function to which this setting applies: Concurrent: CONCurrent[:DC] Current: CURRent[:DC] Voltage: VOLTage[:DC] The filter type to use when filtering is enabled; set to one of the following values: Moving filter: MOVingDetailsThis command selects the type of averaging filter: Moving average.When the moving average filter is selected, the measurements are added to the stack continuouslyon a first-in, first-out basis. As each measurement is made, the oldest measurement is removed fromthe stack. A new averaged sample is produced using the new measurement and the data that is nowin the stack.When the moving average filter is first selected, the stack is empty. When the first measurement ismade, it is copied into all the stack locations to fill the stack. A true average is not produced until thestack is filled with new measurements. The size of the stack is determined by the filter count setting.ExampleSENS:CONC:AVER:WIND 0.1 Set the average filter window as 0.1%.Also see:SENSe[n]::AVERage:COUNt (on page 7-52):SENSe[n]::AVERage[:STATe] (on page 7-53):SENSe::AVERage:WINDow (see ":SENSe[n]::AVERage:WINDow" on page 7-55)