Series 2280 Precision Measurement DC Power Supplies Reference Manual Section 7: SCPI command reference077085501 / February 2015 7-57:SENSe[n]::NPLCyclesThis command sets the time that the input signal is measured for measurements of the selected function.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleSave settings 1Usage:SENSe[n]::NPLCycles :SENSe[n]::NPLCycles?:SENSe[n]::NPLCycles? DEFault:SENSe[n]::NPLCycles? MINimum:SENSe[n]::NPLCycles? MAXimum[n] Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1. The measurement function to which this setting applies: Concurrent: CONCurrent[:DC] Current: CURRent[:DC] Voltage: VOLTage[:DC] The number of power-line cycles for each measurement: 0.002 to 12 for50 Hz; 0.002 to 15 for 60 HzDetailsThis command sets the amount of time that the input signal is measured.The amount of time is specified in parameters that are based on the number of power line cycles(NPLCs). Each PLC for 60 Hz is 16.67 ms (1/60) and each PLC for 50 Hz is 20 ms (1/50).This command is set for the measurement of specific functions (concurrent, current or voltage).The shortest amount of time (0.002 PLC) results in the fastest reading rate, but increases readingnoise and decrease the number of usable digits.The longest amount of time (15 PLC) provides the lowest reading noise and more readable digits, buthas the slowest reading rate.Settings between the fastest and slowest number of PLCs are a compromise between speed andnoise.Example 1:SENS:CURR:NPLC 0.5 Sets the measurement time for currentmeasurements to 0.0083 (0.5/60) seconds.Also seeOptimizing either measurement accuracy or speed (on page 4-1)