Chapter 3. Program Data44 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C3.7 Data ScopeEach of the user references has scope; that is, it may be available throughout the system, available toall programs, restricted to a single program, or restricted to local use within a block.User Reference Type Range Scope%I, %Q, %M, %T, %S, %SA, %SB,%SC, %G, %R, %W, %AI, %AQ,convenience references, faultlocating referencesGlobal From any program, block, or host computer. Variables definedin these registers have system (global) scope by default.However, variables with local scope can also be assigned inthese registers.Symbolic variable Global From any program, block, or host computer. Symbolic variableshave system (global) scope by default. However, symbolicvariables with local scope can be created using the namingconventions for local variables.I/O variable Global From any program, block, or host computer.%P Program From any block, but not from other programs (also available toa host computer).%L Local From within a block only (also available to a host computer).In an LD block:▪ %P should be used for program references that are shared with other blocks.▪ %L are local references that can be used to restrict the use of register data to that block. Theselocal references are not available to other parts of the program.▪ %I, %Q, %M, %T, %S, %SA, %SB, %SC, %G, %R, %W, %AI, and %AQ references are availablethroughout the system.