Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) ProgrammingGFK-2950C February 2018 1414.8.2 Array Size Dimension Function BlocksArray Size Dimension 1Returns the value of the Array Dimension 1 property of an array andwrites the value to output Q. If a non-array variable is assigned to IN, thevalue of Q is 0.In an LD or ST block that is not a parameterized block or a User DefinedFunction Block (UDFB), you can use the output Q value to ensure that aloop using a variable index to access array elements does not exceed thearray’s first dimension.OperandsParameter Description Allowed Operands OptionalIN Array of any data type. Data flow, I, Q, M, T, S, SA, SB,SC, G, discrete symbolic, I/OvariableNoQ The value of the Array Dimension 1 property of the arrayassigned to input IN. The value is set to 0 if a non-array isassigned to IN.Note: Because the index of the first element of anarray is zero, the index of the last element is oneless than the value assigned to Q.DINT or DWORD variable.Data flow, I, Q, M, T, G, R, P, L,AI, AQ, W, symbolic,I/O variableNoArray Size Dimension 2Returns the value of the Array Dimension 2 property of an array and writesthe value to output Q. If a non-array variable is assigned to IN, the value ofQ is 0.In an LD or ST block that is not a parameterized block or a User DefinedFunction Block (UDFB), you can use the output Q value to ensure that aloop using a variable index to access array elements does not exceed thearray'’s second dimension.OperandsParameter Description Allowed Operands OptionalIN Array of any data type. Data flow, I, Q, M, T, S, SA, SB,SC, G, discrete symbolic, I/OvariableNoQ The value of the Array Dimension 2 property of the arrayassigned to input IN. The value is set to 0 if a non-array isassigned to IN.Note: Because the index of the first element of anarray is zero, the index of the last element is oneless than the value assigned to Q.DINT or DWORD variable.Data flow, I, Q, M, T, G, R, P, L,AI, AQ, W, symbolic,I/O variableNo