Chapter 9. DiagnosticsGFK-2950C February 2018 387Viewing Controller Fault DetailsNote: The fault action displayed in the expanded fault details indicates the fault action specified bythe fault that was logged, but not necessarily the executed fault action. To determine whataction was executed for a particular fault in a configurable fault group, you must refer to thehardware configuration settings.To see controller fault details, click the fault entry. The detailed information box for the fault appears.(To close this box, click the fault.)Figure 19: Detail Information for Controller Fault EntryThe detailed information for controller faults includes the following:Error Code Further identifies the fault. Each fault group has its own set of error codes.Group Group is the highest classification of a fault and identifies the generalcategory of the fault. The fault description text displayed by yourprogramming software is based on the fault group and the error codes.Action Fatal, Diagnostic, or Informational. For definitions of these actions, refer toFault Actions and Fault Action Configuration.Task Number Not used for most faults. When used, provides additional information forTechnical Support representatives.Fault Extra Data Provides additional information for diagnostics by Technical Supportengineers. Explanations of this information are provided as appropriate forspecific faults in Controller Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions below.User-Defined FaultsUser-defined faults can be logged in the Controller Fault Table. When a user-defined fault occurs, it isdisplayed in the appropriate fault table as Application Msg (error_code): and may be followed by adescriptive message up to 24 characters. The user can define all characters in the descriptivemessage. Although the message must end with the null character, e.g., zero (0), the null characterdoes not count as one of the 24 characters. If the message contains more than 24 characters, onlythe first 24 characters are displayed.Certain user-defined faults can be used to set a system status reference (%SA0081–%SA0112).User-defined faults are created using SVC_REQ 21: User-Defined Fault Logging, which is described inChapter 6.Note: When a user-defined fault is displayed in the Controller Fault table, a value of -32768 (8000hex) is added to the error code. For example, the error code 5 will be displayed as -32763.