Chapter 9. DiagnosticsGFK-2950C February 2018 4359.5.7 I/O Bus Fault (Category 6)The fault category I/O Bus Faults has three fault types associated with it.Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.Bus FaultThe GBC operating software generates this error when it detects a failure with a Genius I/O bus.(Generated when Error Rate in the GBC configuration is exceeded—the default Error Rate is 10errors in a 10 second period).Correction1) Determine the reason for the bus failure and correct it.2) Replace the GBC.The Error Rate can be set higher than the default value if needed, but the bus should be examinedelectrically—use an oscilloscope for waveform check.Bus Outputs DisabledThe GBC operating software generates this error when it times out waiting for the CPU to perform anoutput scan.Correction1) Reduce time between GBC output scans by assigning them to scan set 1.2) Increase CPU software watchdog timer setting3) Replace the CPU.4) Display the controller fault table on the programmer. Contact Technical Support, giving them allthe information contained in the fault entry.SBA ConflictThe GBC detected a conflict between its serial bus address and that of another device on the bus.CorrectionAdjust one of the conflicting serial bus addresses.