Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) Programming118 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C4.5.9 Suspend or Resume I/O InterruptSuspend or resume an I/O interrupt when using I/O variables.If not using I/O variables, use SVC_REQ 32.The function executes successfully and passes power to the right unless: The I/O module associated with the interrupt trigger specified in IN1 is not supported. The reference address specified does not correspond to a valid interrupt trigger reference. The specified channel does not have its interrupt enabled in the configuration.OperandsParameter Description Allowed Types Allowed Operands OptionalSUSP Selects a suspend or resumeoperation.1 (ON)=suspend0 (OFF)=resumeBOOL variable or bitreference in a non-BOOLvariabledata flow, I, Q, M, T, G, S,SA, SB, SC, R, P, L, discretesymbolic, I/O variableNoIN1 The interrupt trigger to besuspended or resumed.BOOL or WORD variable I, Q, M, T, G, R, P, L, AI, AQ,W, I/O variableNoExampleIn the following example, the variable Mod_Int is mapped to an I/O point on a hardware module andis configured as an I/O interrupt to a program block. When the BOOL variable SuspOn_Off is set toON and A1 is set to ON, interrupts from Mod_Int are suspended until SuspOn_Off is reset.