Chapter 9. Diagnostics436 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C9.5.8 Module Fault (Category 8)The fault category Module Fault has one fault type, headend fault, and eight fault descriptions. Thisfault category does not provide fault extra data. The default fault action for this category isDiagnostic.08 hex, Configuration Memory FailureThe GBC generates this error when it detects a failure in a Genius block’s EEPROM or NVRAM.CorrectionReplace the Genius block’s electronics module.20 hex/32 decimal, Calibration Memory FailureThe GBC generates this error when it detects a failure in a Genius block’s calibration memory.CorrectionReplace the Genius block’s electronics module.40 hex/64 decimal, Shared RAM FaultThe GBC generates this error when it detects an error in a Genius block’s shared RAM.CorrectionReplace the Genius block’s electronics module.80 hex/128 decimal, Module FaultAn internal failure has been detected in a module.CorrectionReplace the affected module.81 hex/129 decimal, Watchdog TimeoutThe CPU generates this error when it detects that an input module watchdog timer has expired.CorrectionReplace the input module.84 hex/132 decimal, Output Fuse BlownThe CPU generates this error when it detects a blown fuse on an output module.Correction1) Determine and repair the cause of the fuse blowing, and replace the fuse.2) Replace the module.