Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) ProgrammingGFK-2950C February 2018 1974.10.6 MultiplyWhen the MUL function receives power flow, it multiplies the two operandsIN1 and IN2 of the same data type and stores the result in the output variableassigned to Q, also of the same data type.The power flow output is energized when the function is performed, unless aninvalid operation or Overflow occurs. (For more information, refer to thesection on Overflow.)Mnemonics:MUL_DINTMUL_INTMUL_MIXEDMUL_REALMUL_LREALMUL_UINTNote: MUL_MIXED uses mixed data types. Be careful to avoid overflows.The following REAL and LREAL operations are invalid for MUL:▪ 0 x ∞▪ I1 and/or I2 is NaN (Not a Number).Mnemonic Operation Displays asMUL_INT Q(16-bit) = IN1(16-bit) × IN2(16-bit)base 10 number with sign, up to 5 digits longMUL_DINT Q(32-bit) = IN1(32-bit) × IN2(32-bit)base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits longMUL_REAL Q(32-bit) = IN1(32-bit) × IN2(32-bit)base 10 number, sign and decimals, up to 8 digits long(excluding the decimals)MUL_LREAL Q(64-bit) = IN1(64-bit) × IN2(64-bit)base 10 number, sign and decimals, up to 17 digits long(excluding the decimals)MUL_UINT Q(16-bit) = IN1(16-bit) × IN2(16-bit)base 10 number, unsigned, up to 5 digits longMUL_MIXED Q(32-bit) = IN1(16-bit) × IN2(16-bit)base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits longOperands for MultiplyParameter Description Allowed Operands OptionalIN1 The first value to multiply; the value to the left of the multiplysign (×) in the equation IN1 × IN2=Q.All except S, SA, SB, SC NoIN2 The second value to multiply; the value to the right of themultiply sign (×) in the equation IN1 × IN2=Q.All except S, SA, SB, SC NoQ The result of IN1 × IN2. If a MUL operation on signedoperands results in Overflow, Q is set to the largest possiblevalue and there is no power flow.If a MUL_UINT operation results in Overflow, Q wrapsaround.All except S, SA, SB, SCand constantNo