Chapter 6. Service Request FunctionGFK-2950C February 2018 2996.14 SVC_REQ 13: Shut Down (STOP) CPUUse SVC_REQ 13 to stop the CPU after the specified number of scans has been performed. Alloutputs go to their designated default states at the start of the next CPU scan. An informational ShutDown Controller fault is placed in the Controller Fault Table. The I/O scan continues as configured.SVC_REQ 13 has an input parameter block with a length of one word.Address Number of scans. Valid values:-1: The CPU uses the Number of Last Scans value configured in the Hardware ConfigurationScan tab to determine when to transition to STOP Mode. For details on HardwareConfiguration parameters, refer to PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU ReferenceManual, GFK-2222.1 through 5: The CPU finishes executing this scan, then executes this number of scans –1,and transitions to STOP Mode.Note: For CPUs with firmware version earlier than 2.00, the value must be set to 0; otherwise theCPU does not stop.SVC_REQ 13 ExampleWhen a Loss of I/O Module fault occurs, the #LOS_IOM contact turns ON and SVC_REQ 13 executes.In this example, if the Shut Down CPU function executes, the JUMPN to the end of the programprevents the logic that follows the JUMPN from executing in the current sweep.The block's last instruction is a LABELN: