Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) Programming164 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C4.8.14 Move From FlatMOVE_FROM_FLAT copies reference memory data to a User-defined DataType (UDT) variable or UDT array.MOVE_FROM_FLAT provides optional data coherency by locking the databeing written to during the copy operation. This allows data to be copiedcoherently when accessed by multiple logic threads (i.e. interrupt blocks).Note that copying large amounts of data with coherency enabled canincrease interrupt latency.OperationCopying arrays and array elementsThe constant value assigned to input LEN (Length) determines the number of UDT array elements tobe filled by copying data from reference memory to output Q.Example:If constant value 6 is assigned to input LEN (Length), there should be a UDT array of at least sixelements assigned to output Q. During logic execution, n bytes of data are copied from referencememory to the first six UDT array elements, where n is the length of the UDT array element (in bytes)times six.Copying to specified array elementsFor output Q, a single element of a UDT array can be specified, for example, myUDT_array[4] (5thelement of myUDT_array). In this case, the input LEN (Length) operand applies to the array elementsstarting from and including myUDT_array[4].Example:myUDT_array is a UDT array of ten elements, of which each element is a UDT variable, andmyUDT_array[4] is assigned to output Q. This restricts the value of input LEN (Length) to six or lessbecause there are six remaining UDT array elements that can be filled in myUDT_array.Notes:▪ Length determines how many UDT variable elements to overwrite in Q.▪ If an array head is assigned to input IN, the Length determines how many UDT array elementsassigned to Q are filled by copying data from reference memory.