Chapter 8. Structured Text (ST) Programming370 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C8.2.2 Function CallThe structured text function call executes a predefined algorithm that performs a mathematical, bitstring or other operation. The function call consists of the name of the function or block followed byrequired input or output parameters.The structured text logic can call blocks or the PACSystems built-in functions listed in the tablebelow. The call must be made in a single statement and cannot be part of a nested expression.Calls to some functions, such as communications request (COMMREQ), require a command block orparameter block. For these functions, an array is declared, initialized in logic, and then passed as aparameter to the function.Built-in Functions Supported for ST CallsNote: Only the functions listed in the following table are supported in the current PACSystemsversion. Other built-in functions are not supported.Example: cos(IN := inReal, Q => outReal, ENO => outBool);Category Functions More informationAdvanced Math ASIN, ATAN, ACOS, COS, SIN, TANLOG, LN, EXP, EXPT,SQRT_INT, SQRT_DINT, SQRT_REALChapter 4Math ABS_INT, ABS_DINT, ABS_REALSCALE_DINT, SCALE_INT, SCALE_UINTChapter 4Communication PNIO_DEV_COMM PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EPPROFINET I/O ControllerManual, GFK-2571Control DO_IO, MASK_IO_INTR, SCAN_SET_IO, SUS_IO,SUS_IO_INTR, SVC_REQ, SWITCH_POS, F_TRIG, R_TRIGChapter 4DataConversionBCD4_TO_INT, BCD4_TO_UINT, BCD4_TO_REALBCD8_TO_DINT, BCD8_TO_REALDINT_TO_BCD8, DINT_TO_DWORD, DINT_TO_INT,DINT_TO_UINT, DINT_TO_REAL, DINT_TO_LREALDWORD_TO_DINTINT_TO_BCD4, INT_TO_DINT, INT_TO_UINT,INT_TO_REAL, INT_TO_WORDUINT_TO_BCD4, UINT_TO_BCD8, UINT_TO_INT,UINT_TO_DINT, UINT_TO_REAL, UINT_TO_WORDREAL_TO_INT, REAL_TO_UINT, REAL_TO_DINT,REAL_TO_LREALLREAL_TO_DINT, LREAL_TO_REALTRUNC_INT, TRUNC_DINTDEG_TO_RAD, RAD_TO_DEGWORD_TO_INT, WORD_TO_UINTChapter 4Data Move ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE_DIM1, ARRAY_SIZE_DIM2,COMMREQ, MOVE_DATA_EX, SIZE_OFChapter 4PACMotion The RX3i CPUs support 56 PLCopen compliant motionfunctions and function blocks.PACMotion Multi-Axis MotionController User’s Manual,GFK-2448