Chapter 9. DiagnosticsGFK-2950C February 2018 3859.1.3 Fault Actions and Fault Action ConfigurationFatal faults cause the fault to be recorded in the appropriate table, diagnostic variables to be set, andthe system to be stopped. Only fatal faults cause the system to stop.Diagnostic faults are recorded in the appropriate table, and any diagnostic variables are set.Informational faults are only recorded in the appropriate table.Fault Action Response by CPUFatal Log fault in fault table.Set fault references.Go to STOP/Fault Mode.Diagnostic Log fault in fault table.Set fault references.Informational Log fault in fault table.The hardware configuration can be used to specify the fault action of some fault groups. For thesegroups, the fault action can be configured as either fatal or diagnostic. When a fatal or diagnosticfault within a configurable group occurs, the CPU executes the configured fault action instead of theaction specified within the fault.Note: The fault action displayed in the expanded fault details indicates the fault action specified bythe fault that was logged, but not necessarily the executed fault action. To determine whataction was executed for a particular fault in a configurable fault group, you must refer to thehardware configuration settings.Faults that are part of configurable fault groups:Fault Action Displayed inFault Table Informational Diagnostic FatalFault Action Executed InformationalDiagnostic or Fatal.Determined by action selectedin Hardware Configuration.Diagnostic or Fatal.Determined by actionselected in HardwareConfiguration.Faults that are part of non-configurable fault groups:Fault Action Displayed inFault TableInformational Diagnostic FatalFault Action Executed Informational Diagnostic Fatal