Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) Programming174 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C4.9.1 Array MoveWhen the Array Move function receives power flow, itcopies a specified number of elements from a sourcememory block to a destination memory block. Startingat the indexed location (SR+SNX-1) of the inputmemory block, it copies N elements to the outputmemory block, starting at the indexed location(DS+DNX-1) of the output memory block.Mnemonics:ARRAY_MOVE_BOOLARRAY_MOVE_BYTEARRAY_MOVE_DINTARRAY_MOVE_DWORDARRAY_MOVE_INTARRAY_MOVE_UINTARRAY_MOVE_WORDNote: For ARRAY_MOVE_BOOL, when 16-bit registers are selected for the operands of the sourcememory block and/or destination memory block starting address, the least significant bit ofthe specified 16-bit register is the first bit of the memory block. The value displayed contains16 bits, regardless of the length of the memory block.The indices in an Array Move instruction are 1-based. In using an Array Move, no element outsideeither the source or destination memory blocks (as specified by their starting address and length)may be referenced.The function passes power flow unless one of the following conditions occurs:▪ It receives no power flow.▪ (N + SNX - 1) is greater than Length.▪ (N + DNX - 1) is greater than Length.Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the SR and DS operands. Forexample, ARRAY_MOVE_BYTE requires SR and DS to be BYTE variables.Operands for Array MoveParameter Description Allowed Operands OptionalLength (??) The length of each memory block (source anddestination); the number of elements in each memoryblock. 1 Length 32,767.Constant NoSR(must be thesame data typeas DS)The starting address of the source memory block.Note: For an Array Move with the data type BOOL, anyreference may be used; it does not need to bebyte-aligned. Sixteen bits, beginning with thereference address specified, are displayed online.All except constants.%S - %SC allowed onlyfor BYTE, WORD,DWORD types.NoSNX The index of the source memory block All except variables in%S - %SC.NoDNX The index of the destination memory block All except variables in%S - %SC.NoN Count indicator All except variables in%S - %SCNoDS(must be thesame data typeas SR)The starting address of the destination memory block.Note: For an Array Move with the data type BOOL, anyreference may be used; it does not need to bebyte-aligned. Sixteen bits, beginning with thereference address specified, are displayed online.All, except S andconstants. %SA - %SCallowed only for BYTE,WORD, DWORD typesNo