Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) Programming172 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C4.9 Data Table FunctionsFunction Mnemonic DescriptionArray Move ARRAY_MOVE_BOOLARRAY_MOVE_BYTEARRAY_MOVE_DINTARRAY_MOVE_INTARRAY_MOVE_WORDCopies a specified number of data elements from a source memoryblock to a destination memory block.Note: The memory blocks do not need to be defined as arrays. Youmust supply a starting address and the number of contiguousregisters to use for the move.Array Range ARRAY_RANGE_DINTARRAY_RANGE_DWORDARRAY_RANGE_INTARRAY_RANGE_UINTARRAY_RANGE_WORDDetermines if a value is between the range specified in two tablesFIFO Read FIFO_RD_DINTFIFO_RD_DWORDFIFO_RD_INTFIFO_RD_UINTFIFO_RD_WORDRemoves the entry at the bottom of the First In First Out (FIFO) table,and decrements the pointer by oneFIFO Write FIFO_WRT_DINTFIFO_WRT_DWORDFIFO_WRT_INTFIFO_WRT_UINTFIFO_WRT_WORDIncrements the table pointer and writes data to the bottom of theFIFO tableLIFO Read LIFO_RD_DINTLIFO_RD_DWORDLIFO_RD_INTLIFO_RD_UINTLIFO_RD_WORDRemoves the entry at the pointer location in the LIFO (Last In FirstOut) table, and decrements the pointer by oneLIFO Write LIFO_WRT_DINTLIFO_WRT_DWORDLIFO_WRT_INTLIFO_WRT_UINTLIFO_WRT_WORDIncrements the LIFO table's pointer and writes data to the tableSearch SEARCH_EQ_BYTESEARCH_EQ_DINTSEARCH_EQ_DWORDSEARCH_EQ_INTSEARCH_EQ_UINTSEARCH_EQ_WORDSearches for all array values equal to a specified valueSEARCH_GE_BYTESEARCH_GE_DINTSEARCH_GE_DWORDSEARCH_GE_INTSEARCH_GE_UINTSEARCH_GE_WORDSearches for all array values greater than or equal to a specified value