Chapter 4. Ladder Diagram (LD) Programming114 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer's Reference Manual GFK-2950C4.5.5 Mask I/O InterruptMask or unmask an interrupt from an I/O board when using I/O variables. Ifnot using I/O variables, use SVC_REQ 17.When the interrupt is masked, the CPU processes the interrupt but doesnot schedule the associated logic for execution. When the interrupt isunmasked, the CPU processes the interrupt and schedules the associatedlogic for execution.When the CPU transitions from STOP Mode to RUN Mode, the interrupt isunmaskedThe function passes power to the right when it executes successfully.OperandsParameter Description Allowed Types Allowed Operands OptionalMASK Selects unmask or mask operation.Unmask=0; Mask=1BOOL variableor Bit reference innon-discrete memorydata flow, I, Q, M, T, G, S, SA,SB, SC, R, P, L, AI, AQ, W,symbolic, I/O variableNoIN1 The interrupt trigger to be maskedor unmasked. The I/O board must be asupported input module. The reference addressspecified must correspond to avalid interrupt triggerreference. The interrupt for the specifiedchannel must be enabled in theconfiguration.BOOL or WORDvariableI, Q, M, T, G, R, P, L, AI, AQ,W, I/O variableNoExampleIn the following example, the variable Mod_Int is mapped to an I/O point on a hardware module andis configured as an I/O interrupt to a program block. When the BOOL variable MaskOn_Offtransitions from OFF to ON and A1 is set to ON, the interrupt Mod_Int is masked (not executed) forone scan.