Control PanelSystem SetupSetting Item Description, InstructionsBuzzer Set the buzzer. Choose On for the buzzer to sound once for warningsand three times for errors.WarningDetect Mismatch Choose Warning for notication (display of a warning message)during printing if the paper type specied in the printer menu does notmatch the paper type in the printer driver. Choose None to continueto print without notication. Choose Pause to have printing pausedunder these circumstances. In this case, you can continue printingby pressing the Online button.Keep Media Size Select On to use the paper size setting as the basis for printinginstead of other settings. The margin setting of the printer menu willbe used instead of the margin setting of the printer driver if the latteris smaller, which may prevent text or images in the trailing marginfrom being printed.Choose Off to use the printer driver settings instead. Even if themargin setting of the printer driver is smaller than that of the printerdriver, text or images will not be cut off. However, this requires longerpaper because the actual margin will be equal to the margin settingof the printer driver plus the margin setting of the printer menu.Sht Selection If sheet size detection is activated, choose whether ISO A3+ or13"x19"(Super B) is applied when an intermediate size is detected.Roll Selection 1 If roll size detection is activated, choose whether ISO A3 (297mm)or 300mm Roll is applied when a roll of an intermediate width isdetected.Paper Size BasisRoll Selection 2 If roll size detection is activated, choose whether 10in. (254mm)or JIS B4 (257mm) is applied when a roll of an intermediate widthis detected.TrimEdgeReloadWhen Automatic is selected, the leading edge will be cut as needed,taking into account how long the paper has been loaded without beingprinted. (However, it is not cut if Cutting Mode is set to Manual.)Choose On to cut the leading edge.Noz. CheckFreq.Specify the timing for automatic checks of nozzle clogging. Choose 1page to check once per printed page. Choose 10 pages to checkonce per ten printed pages. Choose Automatic to have the printerautomatically adjust the timing for checks based on the frequencyof nozzle use.Sleep Timer Specify the period before the printer enters Sleep mode.Printer Parts 67