Messages regarding inkMessages regarding inkInk insufcient.Cause Corrective ActionThe ink level is low, so you cannot clean thePrinthead.Press the OK button and replace the Ink Tank that islow with a new Ink Tank.(→P.615)The ink level is low, so there may not be enough inkto nish printing.Press the OK button and replace the Ink Tank that islow with a new Ink Tank.(→P.615)You can print until the ink runs out by pressing theOnline button. However, if the ink runs out duringprinting, the following situation will occur dependingon the position of the leading edge when it passesthrough the printer.1.No ink left. is displayed and printing stops. Pressthe Stop button to cancel printing, or press theOK button, replace the ink tank that is low with anew one, and continue printing. However, notethat because printing is paused, colors may beslightly different.(→P.615)2.Ink tank empty. Canceling printing of thispage. is displayed and printing stops. After thepaper is ejected, press the OK button and replacethe ink tank that is low with a new one.(→P.615)No ink left.Cause Corrective ActionThere is no ink left. Open the Ink Tank Cover and replace the Ink Tankfor which the Ink Lamp is ashing.(→P.615)Error Message 697