Control PanelSetting Item Description, InstructionsLength Unit Choose the unit of measurement when roll length is displayed. Youcan switch the unit displayed for Roll Length Set and the remainingpaper amount displayed in the submenu.Time Zone Specify the time zone. Time zone options indicate a main city in thistime zone and the difference from Greenwich Mean Time.Date Format Specify the date format.Date Set the current date.Date & TimeTime Set the current time.Language Specify the language used on the Display Screen.Contrast Adj. Adjust the Display Screen contrast level.ResetPaprSetngsRestores settings that you have changed with Media CongurationTool to the factory default values. If paper added using the MediaConguration Tool was used for color calibration, such colorcalibration can no longer be applied to any type of paper.High Speed Erases le management data for print job data stored on the printer’shard disk. (→P.571)Secure HighSpd.Overwrites the entire hard disk with random data. (→P.571)Erase HDD DataSecure Overwrites the entire hard disk with 00, FF, and random data (onetime each). Verication is performed to check if the data was correctlywritten. (→P.571)68 Printer Parts