1. Pick-Up AssemblyCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6350/NP6251 REV. 0 JULY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-120CausePick-upassemblyDC controllerPCB, Pick-upclutchPick-up rollerGuide plateChecksIs the copy paper curled or wavy?Try Canon-recommended paper.Is the problem corrected?Is the pick-up roller of the selectedcassette, deck, or multifeederrotating during copying?Is the pick-up roller deformed orworn?Step1234YES/NOYESYESNOYESNOActionReplace the paper.Advise the user on thecorrect method of storingpaper.Advise the user on thecorrect method of storingpaper.See the relevant section.Replace the pick-uproller.Check the guide platefor deformation.