2. Movement of the Paper Jogging Plate and the Trailing Edge Guide PlateWhen copy paper arrives at the holding tray assembly, the paper jogging plate (Xdirection) and the trailing edge guide plate (Y direction) operate to put the sheets inorder.The paper jogging plate is opened by turning on and off the holding tray swingingsolenoid (SL9) on the paper size guide plate of the holding tray so as to put the edgesof the sheets flush, thereby preventing skew movement during re-pick up.Figure 5-615When copy paper reaches the holding tray assembly, the motor M9 rotates clockwiseand couterclockwise to operate the trailing edge guide plate to arrange the trailing edgeof the copy paper.Figure 5-616ClockwiseCounterclockwiseTrailing edge guide plateCopy paperONSL9Paper jogging platesSide guideCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6350/NP6251 REV. 0 JULY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 5 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEM5-35