CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 39LAYERSApollo provides an comprehensivelayers feature to aid in organizingand accessing many paths extremelyquickly.Layer selection is performed from theright hand side of the Layers row of anystandard control bed panel, as shownright. If the layer select controls are notvisible on a particular panel, it is likely tobe in Tools or Layer Tools mode - pressthe Tools/Layer Tools button, or the exitbutton in the row above to return to thedefault modes row menu. Fig 1 shows thelayout of controls on the Layers Row.A/B PathsEach fader provides instant access totwo paths. These paths are known as theA and B paths and are described in theAssigning Paths section of this document.To switch all faders to the A or B pathuse the ALL A or ALL B buttons on theLayers row.Layers 1-12There are also 12 layers available on thesurface. Each layer contains its own Aand B paths.Layers can be switched using the greenbuttons on the Layers row. The 12 layersare divided into two banks. The firstbank contains layers 1-6 and the secondcontains layers 7-12. The selected bankand selected layer are highlighted.Using layersLayers provide a flexible method oforganizing paths on the surface. Layer 1,for example, may be configured to containall main presenter microphones on pathA and audience microphones on path B.Layer 2 may contain VT or server audiosources on path A. Switching betweenlayers 1 and 2 provides fast access toboth of these organised collections ofsources. A path may appear on multiplelayers simultaneously.Layer LockingA path can be locked to a fader andremain on the surface regardless of theselected layer. To lock a path touch theLAYER TOOLS button on the Layers Row.On the updated Functions row above,touch and hold the LAYER LOCK buttonand then tap the assign buttons of anyfaders which contain paths that are to belocked to the surface. Holding LAYERLOCK and tapping an assign buttontoggles the lock on and off. See Fig 2.When a path is locked, a padlock iconwill appear in the fader label display toindicate the lock is active.When a path is unlocked the A/B displaywill show text to indicate the original layerlocation of the path as it may not be thecurrently selected layer. The locked pathwill still remain in view until a differentlayer or All A/B selection is made.Layer SplitThe Layers row contains a button entitledLAYER SPLIT. Touching this button onany panel inserts a layer split along theleft hand side of that panel. The buttonwill light up as an indication of the split.Any layer changes made to the left of thesplit will not affect any faders to the rightof the split. This applies to All A and AllB selections too. Multiple layer splits canbe put in place across the surface, eachobeying the same rules described above.Turning off the B layerThe global B layer, which allows eachfader to access a B path can be turnedoff. This is currently a factory set optionand Calrec should be contacted foractivation.With this option set, the faders on thesurface will only have access to one pathper layer and can be accessed using theA layer path assignment buttons.FIG 1 - LAYERS ROWFIG 2 - LAYER TOOLS