CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 103The new list will appear below the defaultlist and will contain the selected insertresources. Touch the new list to confirmthis. It is possible to make a new list whichis empty, by ensuring that no resourcesare selected when touching the ‘CreateList’ button.Copying/moving insert resources tolistsResources can be copied or movedbetween lists by selecting the requiredresources in the source list and touching‘Copy Lists’ or Move Lists’. A popupdialogue will appear allowing selection ofthe destination list. Select the destinationlist and touch OK.Removing insert resources fromlistsTo remove resources from a list, select therequired resources and touch the ‘RemoveInserts’ button.Renaming listsTouch the ‘Modify Lists’ button to bring upa popup dialogue. This dialogue allowsyou to select a list and rename it.Removing listsTo remove a list, select the required listand touch the ‘Remove List’ button. Apopup dialogue will appear asking forconfirmation of the removal.Insert Order and SetsInsert resources can be ordered into sets.For a description of sets and the order ofitems within a set, please refer to the InputSources section of this document.Insert ON / OFF ControlThe Insert ON / OFF switch appears onthe PROCESSING-OVERVIEW panelmode. It must be switched in circuit usingthe INSERT ON button in the 5th Controlcell , top row as shown in Fig 5.FIG 5 - INSERT ON / OFF CONTROL