External Interfacing194 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleThe audio on any input across thenetwork can be monitored or meteredusing external inputs.External inputs are typically used tomonitor down-stream feeds and ‘off-air’returns to ensure the console outputis reaching its’ intended destinationuncompromised.Configuring external inputsIn the main application selecting:>Show Settings>External Inputsallows external inputs to be configured,see Fig 1. Click on the Width cell for aninput in order to be able to select it asmono, stereo or surround. Custom labelscan be given to each input by editing theLabel column.Patch I/O ports to external inputs ina similar way to other port patching -sources are listed in the left hand side ofthe screen, select the required port listfrom the Filter Ports menu, then highlightthe desired port within the list, highlightthe chosen external input’s blue patchingcell and click ‘Patch’.Monitoring / metering externalsExternal inputs appear as sources to themonitor and meter selectors. Meters canalso be configured to display externalinputs directly (rather than via a meterselector).FIG 1 - MAIN APPLICATION, SHOW SETTINGS>EXTERNAL I/PEXTERNAL MONITOR / METER INPUTS