Control Overview32 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleDual Fader PanelThe Apollo dual fader panel is shown inFig 11. This panel is the same size as -and can be used in place of - the standardfader panel.The panel contains eight 100mm andeight 60mm motorised faders withoverpress. The functionality of thesefaders and controls around them are asdescribed in the fader panel section.The 60mm faders on the dual fader paneltake the place of the control cells andbutton cells which are present on thestandard fader panel.Modes and Layers rowsThe Layers row and Modes row from thestandard fader panel remain in place butare both situated at the top of the panelas shown in Fig 12. Both rows are touchsensitive as on the standard fader panel.The controls in the Tools and Layer Toolsfunctions of the standard fader panel arealso accessible on the dual fader panel.They are accessed in the same way usingcontrols on the Layers row, but insteadof appearing on the button cells of thestandard fader panel, the controls appearon the Modes row control cell displays.While accessing these functions, thestandard controls of the modes row areinaccessible.Path accessWhere the standard fader panel hastwo paths available per fader (in each ofthe 12 layers) using the A and B assignbuttons, the dual fader panel associatesonly one path per fader (in each of the 12layers). The B paths are presented on theupper 60mm faders and the A paths arepresented on the lower 100mm faders.This is the opposite way to the orientationon the standard fader panels.FIG 11 - DUAL FADER PANEL