Shows, Memories and Presets180 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleFIG 6 - ISOLATING OUTPUT PORTSOutput port isolationIn addition to isolating paths (and possiblytheir associated ports) from memory loadoperations, output ports can have theirpatching isolated. To do this, select anoutput port and touch the ISO button asshown in Fig 6. It will be highlighted withan ISO icon as an indication that it is nowisolated.Repeat the process to remove theisolation.Improvements to Memory IsolateSystemFrom V7.0 Mains, Auxes, and Trackscan now be isolated in the same way asChannels and Groups.From V7.0, when a bus is patched toa destination, and that destination isisolated, the width of the relevant bus isalso isolated. This prevents an incomingmemory from changing the width of a bus,and removing the isolated patches.Conversely, and if appropriate, when abus is isolated, all the destinations towhich it is connected can also be isolatedautomatically.