CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 123SPLITTING TRACK SENDSEach channel has up to four tracksends although by default only one isenabled.The enable the four sends, touch theSPLIT SEND button below the trackrouting buttons. This will enable four morebuttons for selecting the required send(A, B, C or D) as shown in Fig 1.Select one of these sends and then createor remove routing to tracks as required.A letter will appear below the tracknumber when a route is made to indicatewhich send it is associated with.Each of the four sends has an individuallevel control and can be selected bypushing the relevant rotary control toappear in the ‘Selected’ button cells at thebottom of the panel.This enables access to a wider range ofcontrols for that specific send such as preor post fade.Removing sendsIf a channel has been routed to a trackusing send C then send C must beselected when removing the route. Onlyroutes made with the currently selectedsend may be removed.In order for the track routing to becollapsed back into just one send, allroutes from sends B, C and D must beremoved. The SPLIT SEND button cannow be touched again to remove the threeunused send controls.Partial sendsNote: If individual legs of a 5.1 or Stereopath are routed to a bus the corner ofthe box is cut off to show that it is onlypartially routed, as shown right in Fig 1 forAux 12, Main 2 and Group 2Track 14 in Fig 1 shows that all the legshave been routed L/R to Send A, C toSend B, Lfe to Send C and LsRs to SendD which is why it shows as a fully routedbutton image.FIG 1 - ROUTING SCREEN