Routing Audio120 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleFader assign keys are made to strobeto indicate fully routed paths and alsoshow the ‘Routed’ label in the faderdisplays. The layer select buttons alsostrobe for layers that are not in view thatcontain paths routed to the output beinginterrogated (see Fig 4). The layer selectbank buttons (1-6/7-12) for the selectorbuttons not currently in view also strobeif there is a route made from any of thoselayers.Partial Routing IndicationIf only some of the legs of a Stereo or5.1 path are routed the assign keys flashrather than strobe and this partial route isfurther indicated by showing the ‘Partial’label in the fader displaysBy scanning the assign buttons of thecurrent fader layer, the layer selectbuttons, and the bank select buttons,users are guided to the faders that arerouted to the bus under interrogation incontribution mode.In addition, users are informed ofroutes made from other user areas bynotification in the top central contributionbox as in Fig 5 which shows ‘Track 1’ onthe contribution screen which is beingcontributed to from User 2.While in contribution mode, routes frommultiple paths to the selected buss maybe made or removed by pressing therelevant path assign buttons. The pathassign buttons will strobe if the route ismade. The Layer and ALL A/B buttonsmay be switched whilst in this mode.Note that the assign buttons nolonger alter the current assignment inContribution mode when pressed andreleased.However this can still be achievedby holding the access button for asecond longer.FIG 4 - STROBING/FLASHING INDICATES ROUTED PATHSLayer Select and Faderassign buttons strobeto indicate fully routedpaths which is furtherindicated as ‘routed’ inthe fader displays.They flash to indicatepartially routed whenonly some of the legs ofa Stereo or 5.1 path arerouted which is furtherindicated as ‘Partial’ inthe fader displaysFIG 5 - TRACK 1 ON BUS CONTRIBUTION ROUTING SCREENFIG 6 - AUX 1 ROUTING ON BUS CONTRIBUTION ROUTING SCREEN