CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 117JOYSTICK PANNINGIn addition to using the pan controlsin Send-Route, Strips and Wilds mode(if assigned), panning can be achievedusing the joystick panel, if fitted.The panel is shown in Fig 1 with thejoystick controls highlighted. The upperhalf of the panel containing the fadersfunctions in exactly the same way asthose on the monitor panel. The relevantsections of this document for SurroundSpill, Downmixes, Main Paths on the SpillFaders, should be referred to if thesefunctions are required.Accessing the joystick controlsThe information displayed on the joystickcontrols relates to the path shown inthe upper left button cell display. Thisdisplay and its assign buttons function inthe same way as the fader label displaysabove each fader. This path can beselected in a number of ways.Firstly, if the FOLL A/B button in the JOYCTRL button cell is selected, the joystickcontrols will follow the currently assignedpath. If FOLL A/B is deselected, thecontrols will not follow the currentlyassigned path. If selected, the controlswill follow the assigned path in the usersection displayed in the lower left buttoncell. To change this user section, pressthe SEL USER button and select adifferent section.The NUDGE JOY buttons in the lowerleft button cell allow the joystick controlsto step up or down faders on the surface.The upper assign display will reflect thischange to indicate which path is nowselected. If the FOLL A/B button isselected, the NUDGE JOY buttons willmove the path assignment up and downthe faders too. If it is not selected, thecurrently assigned path will remain thesame, but the joystick controls will controla different path.If the LOCK button in the JOY CTRLbutton cell is pressed, the controls willnot affect any other path until they areunlocked. Press the button again tounlock.Making the joystick controls activeWhen the required path has beenassigned, the joystick controls mustbe made active. To do this, press theCONTROLS ACTIVE button. The controlscan now be used to alter the pan position.Disengaging the joystickAt any time, the joystick can bedisengaged to prevent accidental changesto pan position. To do this, press theDISENGAGE button. The rest of thejoystick controls remain active, and can beinteracted with.Pan displayThe pan display in the centre of thejoystick controls displays a range ofinformation. The hidden-till-lit loudspeakerindicators provide an indication of thewidest path that is being panned to. Takean example when panning to mains andgroups. If two main paths were of a 5.1width and two were stereo width, theloudspeaker indicators would appear asthey do in Fig 1, as 5.1 is the widest pathin this instance. The stereo buses wouldreceive a downmix of the 5.1 signal.The red blob shows the position of theaudio in the sound field.The white cross-hair indicates the physicalposition of the joystick, which may notnecessarily be the same as the audio. Forexample freezing an axis, panning onlyto LR or disengaging the joystick can allcause this situation to occur.FIG 1 - JOYSTICK CONTROLS