Monitoring146 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleMISCELLANEOUS MONITOR SOURCESThere are four miscellaneous monitorpre selectors available in monitormode. These are set up and used ina similar way to the control room preselectors and are shown in Fig 1.Each output control has a rotary controlfor altering the level of the output and adim button. The control cell display showsthe name, the width (M, ST, 5.1) and nameof the elected source and indications ofthe output level and dim status.Alter the output sourceThe output source can be altered bypressing the SEL button which bringsattention to the required miscellaneousoutput. Now press on the new source inthe right hand side of the touchscreenabove. The control cell display will updateto show the newly selected output.Patch miscellaneous monitoroutputsThe miscellaneous monitor outputs arepatched in >System Settings>Fixed I/Oshown in Fig 2.In the sources list on the left, press thefilter button and select ‘Monitor Outputs’.From the list select one of the Misc Monoutputs.In the right hand list select the output portto which the miscellaneous output shouldbe connected and press ‘Patch’.FIG 1 - MISCELLANEOUS MONITOR OUTPUT CONTROLSFIG 2 - PATCHING MISCELLANEOUS MONITOR CONNECTIONS