Shows, Memories and Presets176 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleMEMORY SEQUENCINGFIG 1 - MAIN APPLICATION, MEM>MEMORY SEQU SCREENThe main application >Mem>MemorySequ screen, see Fig 1 allows for usermemories to be stacked in order to beable to recall them in sequence.Each user memories is added to thesequence list as a ‘Cue’. To add a cue tothe list, click the ‘New Cue’ button at thebottom of the screen. Selecting ‘NewCue’ puts a place-holder into the list whichcan be later edited to add a user memory.Selecting ‘New Cue with new Memory’will save the current console settings asa user memory and add it to the cue list.This memory also becomes available toload from the standard ‘Shows & Mems’list like any other memory. Selecting ‘NewCue with existing Memory’ allows the userto choose a pre-saved user memory fromthe current show to add to the cue list.Items in the cue list are colour-coded asgreen for current, yellow for next and grayfor previous. Memories in the sequencecan be loaded onto the control surfaceusing the buttons on the right hand side ofthe screen.The ‘Update Mem’ button at the bottom ofthe screen can be used to overwrite anymemory in the cue list with the currentsettings on the control surface. Note,this does not replace the cue with a newmemory (as with New Cue>New Cue withnew Memory), instead it overwrites thememory location being addressed by thecue.This is in essence the same as savingthe memory from the standard ‘Shows &Mems’ page. As with all memory saves,care should be taken to ensure theintended memory is being overwrittenwith the correct settings and that it will notunduly affect other users.Any changes made to memories bysaving from the ‘Shows & Mems’ pagewill automatically affect them when theyare loaded from the sequence screen -cues do not need updating to ‘refresh’ thememory.Cues can be edited or removed by clickingthe Edit Cue or Delete Cue buttons at thebottom of the screen.Remote controlThe load next and load previous cuecommands can be triggered remotely, viaGPI. The ‘General Functions’ list from the>Hydra2 Settings>GPI screen contains‘Next Cue’ and ‘Prev Cue’ entries whichcan be assigned to GP inputs.A slider control (touch/click and slideleft or right to change status) in the topright corner of the ‘Memory Sequ’ screenenables or disables GPI remote controlover this functionality.