CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 177MEMORY ISOLATIONMemory isolation allows certain pathsand ports to have all or some of theirsettings protected from any memoryload operations.Isolate settings are stored in thecontinuous memory of each show,therefore each show may have differentisolate settings.Basic path isolationPaths may be isolated using the MEMISO button in the button cells above eachfader as shown in Fig 1. With this functionselected on a fader, the paths on thatfader will keep their current settings whena new memory is loaded.Fig 2 illustrates this. The MEM ISOfunction on the first three faders havebeen activated. These faders have beenhighlighted to indicate that they will not bealtered by any memory load operations.Setting the scope of memoryisolationIsolating a path does not necessarilymean that all settings associated with thepath are isolated. It is possible to onlyisolate the EQ settings on a certain path,just the EQ and input settings, or maybeall or some of its routing.FIG 1 - MEM ISO BUTTONSFIG 2 - MEM ISO APPLIED TO FADERS