Processing Audio102 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleConnecting insert resources topathsNavigate to the >I/O>Inserts screenas shown in Fig 3. The available insertresources are shown in the list on the left.Paths on the surface are shown in the liston the right. Select the required insertresources, then the paths to which theinsert should be connected and touch the‘Patch’ button.Naming insert resourcesInsert resources may be labelled inthe ‘Inserts Setup’ screen in the ShowSettings section of the main application,as shown in Fig 4. In this screen, touchthe ‘Insert Alloc’ button. Double click aninsert resource name to provide a newname, which must be 12 characters orless.Insert resource listsInsert resources can be assigned tolists. Lists provide a way of filtering theinsert resources and can be selectedwhen patching insert resource sendsand returns to ports, or connecting insertresources to paths.To access insert resources lists, go tothe ‘Inserts Setup’ screen in the ShowSettings section of the main application.Select the ‘Insert Alloc’ button at theleft of the screen. The screen will showall available insert resource lists just tothe right of the ‘Insert Alloc’ button. The‘Default List’ is created automatically andcontains all available resources.Creating listsTo create a new list, select the requiredinsert resources from the default list (orany other list that already exists) andtouch the ‘Create List’ button. A popupwill appear prompting for the name of thenew list, which can be six characters orless. Enter the name and touch OK.FIG 3 - CONNECTING INSERTS TO FADERSFIG 4 - INSERTS SETUP SCREEN