Control Overview38 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleUSER SPLITSUser splits allow the control surfaceto be sectioned, allowing multipleoperators to work without impactingupon each other.User splits are also often used toseparate an extended control surface orsidecar from the main control surface. Amaximum of three user splits can be setacross the combination of main consoleand extension/sidecar.User splits can be placed between controlpanels to provide separate areas ofcontrol for up to three operators. Usersplits partition faders and the assignablepanel modes PROCESSING & SEND-ROUTE. The assignable panel modescan only affect the currently assignedpath within their user area. Each areacan have its own currently assignedpath. Changing the assigned path withinan area does not change or cancel theassigned path or focus of assignablepanels in other user areas. Also, changinglayers only affects faders within the userarea that the change was made from.If multiple operators require their ownmonitoring, speakers / headphones canbe fed from monitor output 1, monitoroutput 2 or miscellaneous monitoroutputs, and each operator then use thecontrols relevant to their area. The PFLand AFL listen outputs of the faders withineach user are can be selected to feed oneof three different APFL bus sets, each ofwhich can be patched to outputs for localmonitoring, and the two main monitorscan be configured to be interrupted bydifferent APFL sets, allowing each userto be able to listen to their paths withoutaffecting each other’s monitoring. Pleaserefer to Monitoring section for details onconfiguring monitoring for multiple users.See “Monitoring for multiple users” onpage 140.FIG 1 - MAIN APPLICATION, SHOW SETTINGS>USER SPLIT SCREENIdentifying User Split LocationsThe location of active user splits is shownon the control surface in the left handbutton cell in the Layers Row.If this display shows ‘USER SPLIT’, thepanels to the left are in a different userarea to the panel with the indication andthe panels to the right. See Fig 2.FIG 2 - ACTIVE USER SPLITON LAYERS ROWCreating / removing user splitsUser splits are managed from the MainApplication >Show Settings>User Splitscreen. See Fig 1. Clicking on the ‘AddUser Split’ button above any of the panelsallows the choice of users 1, 2 or 3 to beapplied to that panel and to those to theright of it. Click the ‘Apply new layout tosurface’ button in the top right cornerto apply the user split settings on thescreen to the control surface, or ‘Revertto current surface layout’ to put it back asit was.The User split configuration is saved inthe Show. No changes are applied tothe surface until the ‘Apply new layout tosurface’ button is clicked.Clicking the ‘Reset all to User 1’ buttonwill remove all user splits.