CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 201Source Offline indication on a pathIn the Assign display if the sourceassigned to that fader is taken offlinethis is indicated by means of a Redexclamation mark as shown in Fig. 3below.The display shows that both sources forthe A and B paths are offline.Intermittent Cable FailuresIf intermittent cable failures exist on thesystem, the System Status screen nowdisplays these as new messages andwhen the user clicks on the message,a 30 second timer starts whichautomatically clears the intermittenterror from the message list.FIG 2 - SURFACE FAIL WARNINGCANCELREH ONAIRDARKAPFLRESETRESETRESETUSBFAIL WARNINGDSP SURFACECONTROLTB MICCANCEL APFLENABLEREH ONAIRDARKAPFLRESETRESETRESETUSBDSP SURFACECONTROLTB MICCANCEL APFLENABLEFIG 3. - SOURCE OFFLINE INDICATION