CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 19TOUCH OVERVIEWApollo makes great use of touchtechnologies to provide directinteraction with on screen controls.The configuration display, surface displaysand wild assign TFTs are all touchsensitive and should be used with a fingerrather than any other pointing device(such as the top end of a pen) whichmay damage the surface of the displays.Certain aspects of the software havebeen designed to be accessed primarilythrough touch and so some terms shouldbe defined to aid in reading this document.Touch/TapThe main interaction between operatorand touch control is the touch (or tap).The operator should touch the desiredcontrol on the display then immediatelyrelease without changing position.See Fig 1.Multiple touches (Hold and Touch)In some cases it is necessary to combinetouch controls to achieve the desiredresult. One control will normally be heldwhich touching other controls. Fig 2demonstrates this process. This isnormally only required between controlcell displays on the surface. Combinationsbetween configuration PC and the surfacewill not be used.SwipeThe swipe motion may be used to scrollthrough a list of items or page througha number of views. Touch the controland straight away swipe in the requireddirection. Remove the at the end of theswipe. This motion is shown in Fig 3.FIG 3 - SWIPETouch the display, swipe a finger toanother position then releaseFIG 1 - TOUCH/TAPTouch the screen momentarily and then release in the same positionFIG 2 - HOLD AND TOUCHTouch an area of a mini-TFT and hold while touching another areaHoldTouchRelease