Passing Signals out of Apollo130 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production ConsoleOUTPUT TYPES AND PATCHINGDSP outputs including Mains, Tracks,Auxs, Direct Outputs etc can bepatched to Hydra2 output ports,virtual Hydra2 Patchbays, or back intochannel inputs of the same console.Ports at different sample ratesNote that now different sample rates areavailable, ports set to a different samplerate to that of the show appear with theSR kHz warning icon to indicate that itcannot be used unless the sample rate ofit’s associated I/O box is changed in H2Oor a different show is loaded using thecorrect sample rate. See Fig 1.PatchingOutput patching is performed in exactlythe same way as input patching, using theI/O screens in the main application.From the >I/O>I/O Patch screen (shownin Fig 1), click the ‘Select Source’ buttonat the top left of the screen and select theappropriate output list from the ‘My DeskOutputs’ group in the pop-up menu, thecontents of which will then be displayed inthe left hand table of the screen.Select the required destination list onthe right hand side in the same way byclicking the ‘Select Destination’ button.Highlight the desired blue source cell onthe left, and the desired blue destinationcell on the right and then click ‘Patch’.The blue cell on the right should nowdisplay the source that has been patchedand the Destination appears in theConnected Destination column.Patching at different sample ratesDestinations at different sample rates tothe show including ports, hydra patchbaysand aliases can be patched (except forSystem level patches) to desk inputs butwon’t work and are shown as !! pending !!until the sample rates are matched.Similarly with desk outputs to Destinationsat different sample rates.Port to port patches cannot be made forI/O that is at a different sample rate to thedesk. However they can be made in H2Oand by SW-P-08 and will work if patchedthere providing the source and destinationports are at the same sample rate.Patching ShortcutsNote that the Patching Shortcutsdescribed earlier equally apply with outputpatching as they did with input patching.See “Patching Shortcuts” on page 65.Hydra2 PatchbaysVirtual patch-points can be createdwithin the Hydra2 domain using the H2Onetwork administrator application.Once configured, patch-points areavailable from the I/O patching screens oneach console given access. Console DSPoutputs patched to Hydra2 Patchbaysare available for other users on theHydra2 network as sources withoutusing up physical I/O ports. In additionto console DSP inputs and outputs,Hydra2 Patchbays can be patched to/ from physical I/O and other Hydra2Patchbays. This allows other users,such as a H2O network administrator, orSW-P-08 controller to be able to selectwhich consoles are feeding which outputports (e.g to select which control room ison-air), and to be able to change sourcesfeeding into consoles.HPB’s at different Sample RatesAny Hydra2 Patchbays that has been setto operate at a different rate than the deskwill behave in the same way as ports atdifferent sample rates to the desk.Locking output port patchingOutput ports may be locked to protecttheir patching from unintended changes.To do this, select one or more output portsin the DESTINATIONS list and then touchthe LOCK button below. Repeat theprocess to unlock the ports again.Locked ports are indicated by padlocksymbols on both source and destinationas shown above.If a port is locked by a technician usingtechnician mode, the ports can only beunlocked by another technician. Thismay be used to lock down any essentialpatching and prevent user error.For more information on technician mode,see “Technician Mode” on page 186.FIG 1 - MAIN APPLICATION I/O>I/O PATCH SCREEN - I/O PATCHINGHighlight destination patch cell(s)Patch selectedHighlight source patch cell(s)